Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nails 6/21/12

I've had long painted nails as long as I can remember. My mom is a professional nail technician, BUT she hasn't done my nails in years. We always fought about what I wanted. If I go to her work place, she has rows and rows of basically reds and pinks. Just a huge amount of different hues of reds and pinks and that's what the majority of her customers want. So boring.

I remember FIGHTING over black and dark polishes and having a hard time finding them in stores, and then keeping them in the home because she would throw them out.

Now dark polish is "in" and you can find it at any store. My mom's professional polish collection has expanded a bit too, but I just think its ridiculous that ten years ago black polish was unheard of, but now its "fashionable." Okay. My mom will still make comments about how gaudy or terrible my nails are in her opinion but I don't care and at least I don't have anything thrown out anymore.

Here is what I did today.
I always use a base coat of nail strengthener. It doesn't matter what kind to me, I try different kinds. I bought these Sally Hansen ones a couple weeks ago and have been using these. If I don't use some sort of nail strengthener my nails WILL chip and break. I'm not careful with them. I don't let them hinder my life. I don't have any techniques to keep them from breaking. I just do what I need to do, open cans, pick things, scrape or scratch... whatever. Even though I keep my nails painted, I still view them more as a tool than a canvas.

Then I used these. This is a pretty light combination for me. But I had just removed a dark purple and I wanted to do something different.

My honest opinion is that I don't love it, and probably won't do it again. But I didn't hate it enough to remove it. I think I did too many coats of the blue, and maybe less of the blue would have looked nicer on the silver.

I'm thinking next time I use this blue I'll try it on black. I always love silver, but I feel like I've been running out of ideas of what to do with it.

I don't do my nails that often, I usually wait until they're chipping and flaking.. so that takes a couple weeks.

I used to do soo many designs and unique things but the past few years I've gotten lazier (or busier) in that I don't want to take the time to do my nails for hours and hours. If you're doing designs, you have to wait for the previous coat to dry and that's why it ends up taking hours and I haven't had the patience recently, but I'm going to try to get creative again with this blog motivating me.


  1. LOL about your mom throwing out your black polishes,my mom used to do the same to me! but now she is the one that paints her nails black from time to time. Even my younger sister loves black polish,she wont let me paint her nails with nothing but black polish. I like it too but just to layer it with like flakies and glitter and all that junk. I like the blue and silver combo but I bet it would look a lot better with black :)

  2. holy moly your nails are gorgeous!
    I love this glitter and I agree, I think it would look great over black.

  3. Hiya! I'm a little late to comment on this but...have you seen the new crackle polishes that are out? They're really cool and no harder to use than any other nail polish. I bought mine (in silver) from Sephora but I think Sally Hansen has some out too. I looove black polish and have been using it off and on for like the last 25 years. Used to be that the only time you could find it was during Halloween but now it's a standard color. (Yes, I'm old lol. 40 yrs and counting but I'm never gonna grow up!)
    I'm all for unique polishes and hair color. Keeps life interesting hehe. Right now, I'm using the Splat tri-color set but am switching over to the Ion Brights.
    Btw, I'm enjoying reading your blog :)
