Friday, June 29, 2012

Finances, debt & savings 6/29/12

I've wanted to summarize my money for my own organization. I don't think its weird to talk about money, and I think it sucks that's its a taboo. I think if people were able to discuss money more freely with friends, it would help all of us. People getting taken advantage of at their job would realize how much better they can do, and have the motivation to find a better job (or go to college).
And people that are doing okay, should realize how lucky they are and work to keep their jobs! Or know to prepare themselves for "what's out there" if they lose their job. Also comparing savings would be good too: to know what other people your age are doing so you know if you're behind..
I personally think I'm on the lower end of "okay." A few friends are willing to discuss and compare and I'm close to what others around my age and location are making, (if they don't have a specialty job that came from a college degree.) I DO make very little, when it comes to averages I google--- but in comparison, to my area and friends its not that bad. So I definitely don't make a lot. But I think its "okay" for my lifestyle.

I chose to not graduate college and have only recently started to not be ashamed of this. I know multiple people with college degrees that are my age (and even older) that make near what I do. If I had to go through the stress of college for 4 years and make as much as I do now--- I would be really really disappointed. So I think quitting college and joining my company was a good decision for me.

Yes, if I had finished, I know I could be making much much more. Salary figures I can't even imagine living with, however I found schooling extremely stressful and I fought through anxiety and depression, and making more money is just not worth the stress, for me personally. Right now.

I quit after a year and found a job at my company about 5 years ago. I started at the lowest position and moved up twice. I am a collector. It's for businesses that don't pay us; we're not the "evil debt collector" image people have. If a business does not pay on time, they need someone to follow up with them, it's that simple. So we're not calling individuals at home or anything.

(Lol, not really.)

My retirement plans

I'm really behind on retirement and it's recently started to worry me. I kept thinking "I'm young, I have time." But I will be turning 25 this year and started searching for some advice.
This article scares the hell out of me:

It says at 25 the low end of savings is $42,000. LOL! That's hilariously impossible and I have next to nothing in my 401 K because I have not been contributing much. My thought process has been that I need money NOW more than at retirement. I figured its better to pay off credit cards and loans now than have money in a 401K but.... at 25; I'm starting to feel old and unprepared. I just changed my work contribution to 3% of my pay to go to my 401K and hope I don't change it back. I just think I've been stupid not putting in more, especially since my employer matches your contribution...

Here's another article on the same site That addresses the people that said his figures are too high. It's still scary realizing how poor and unprepared you are. Let's hope I can slowly pull myself out of dept and start contributing more to my retirement.

I stupidly used credit cards a lot when I started working. They are my number one priority to pay off right now. I have about $1,800 on my Discover card, but its a 0% until June 2013. I used a balance transfer offer from them. It should work out if I pay enough, but if I don't pay it off on time I will be paying a lot in interest..

My current "go to" credit card, when I don't feel secure using my bank account, is Sallie Mae Credit Card. I have it at 11.99%, which isn't that terrible compared to other cards. It also gives me rewards. I try to pay it off monthly but sometimes I have a couple hundred on there and end up paying interest. My goal is to pay it off and stop using it.

I also have Care Credit which is good for medical things that insurance doesn't cover. They also offer 0% if you pay it off within a certain amount of time.

Then my two big monthly payments are my car ($252 per month) and my one last school loan ($142 per month)
My Car has about $5,900 at 6.5% interest
School loan has about $2,700 at 6.25% interest

Pay off Goals
1. Pay off Sallie Mae Credit every month so I don't waste money on interest (11.99%). I can use it for the rewards, but pay before my monthly bill is calculated.

2. Pay off my school loan of 6.25% because it's only $2,700. I'll be able to pay off quicker than my car.

3. Make sure my Discover card of $1,800 is paid off before June 2013, since 0% interest expires then.

4. Once credit debt and school loan are gone: raise my 401K contribution to at least 6%, to take advantage of my employer contribution

5. Last start paying extra on my car to pay it off sooner and save the interest money

Life Budgeting

I feel like my above goals are attainable, its just hard to plan for the future because I currently live with my parents and don't spend as much on living as I will once I move out. I just hope that moving out doesn't hinder my payments towards debt too much. I do spend my own money on some food, clothing, small rent, my car upkeep, insurance, cell phone, etc. So I do have experience in budgeting, I just know my rent will be higher, I'll have things like internet/TV to pay for, cleaning supplies... all the decor and furniture I want..

So I know I have some stress and worries coming up. I just hope to have the motivation to stay financially responsible and NOT use credit cards anymore.

I plan on staying child free my whole life so I feel that will help with finances a lot, too.

I just want to enjoy life and not have to pass up on too many things I want to do. I want to travel for fandom conventions, have the money for a nice place with nice furnishings, have money for any cosmetic things I want to do, and be able to buy the food and clothes I want. I don't want to be that person sitting at home complaining about how poor they are. I know I should have gotten a degree to get a job that can support my way of living... but for now, I hope with budgeting, working hard at my job, and staying child free - that I can live a life that is satisfactory to me.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Laser Hair Removal - Laser L' Amour - South Barrington, IL Review

I have no idea where this blog is going.. but its probably going to stay a huge mish mash of my personal things. I guess the main thing can be "image," since things like dark imagery/gothic decor, dyed hair, & nails will be mentioned but I also wanted to blog about medical or cosmetic things I've done and want to do.

Yes, its all terribley shallow but this blog is for ME and I don't need to write about deep thoughts, or social and political issues. Or my personal social going ons, or deep analysis of anything. I feel like I speak to friends about those deeper issues and don't need a place to record them.

Things like this though - its awkward to talk too much about your new hair color, your nail design, or your latest laser hair removal treatment with friends lol. (only two people close to me know about it) So this is why I want this blog.

First part of this is a review of the clinic/spa, at the end I will mention the actual laser hair removal.

Laser L' Amour - South Barrington, IL Review

At the beginning of this year, I purchased a laser hair removal groupon for

I'm not sure if this link will work but I wrote a review on Yelp. So far I'm the only negative and my theory is that their friend's/family/or they themselves are padding their positive reviews.

To summarize, they double booked me with someone else and were rude about and denied it. Even though I had a note with my appointment time the receptionist wrote on last time. (This was before they got business cards!) And two, I feel like they rush and are purposely missing areas so I need to go back for more treatments.

I'm also extremely weirded out that the office doubles as a pediatrician. A sign says so, and there are always little kids running around. Or I hear them in another room. I've heard them call someone mommy so someone that works there is too cheap to get a baby sitter and just keeps her kids there all the time. They have been there all four times I've gone.

I do not like children and plan to stay child free. I just feel like its so unprofessional to have an ADULT MEDICAL COSMETIC PROCEDURES SPA CLINIC to double as a place for babies and 5 year olds? No thanks... I keep going though because I have six groupon treatments paid for.

Its not the worse place in the world I'm sure. It just rubs me wrong with the how dismissive they seem to be when my appointment was messed up, with missing treatment areas when they rush, and with little kids running around... all things that I can't get over and bother me.

Laser Hair Removal By Palomar Starlux Machine Review

I am on number four of six treatments. There is less hair than there was, but there is still what I would consider "a lot" in my opinion. I am getting a large area done, and many laser hair removal places price "large area 6 treatments" at $750- $1,000. My results definitely are not worth that kind of money as of right now.
The Groupon I bought was for $300. I feel this is a fair price and even with my not satisfied experience at the spa, I don't regret paying for this because it has removed a noticeable amount of hair for a good price.

The process has been really painful in some areas, but at other areas I feel next to nothing. You need to shave 1-2 days before the treatment. They put a gel on your skin and click the laser on a small area, move the gun/handle thing, click again, and so on. So your hair will grow back patchy and odd since some areas will have less hair and other areas, that the laser didn't hit, have more hair. The pain isn't horrible, and I always like to feel it because I think it means its killing hairs! The areas it doesnt hurt are the areas where I know I don't have much hair. So when it hurts you know its getting rid of some dense/dark hair! It's worth it.

In my opinion, the hair is thinner and more sparse, therefore I am okay with the results so far. Its still there and noticeable but at least its less than before. Right now four treatments are worth the $300, but if I had paid any more I would be disappointed. I have two more treatments to go and will see what the end results will be.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nails 6/21/12

I've had long painted nails as long as I can remember. My mom is a professional nail technician, BUT she hasn't done my nails in years. We always fought about what I wanted. If I go to her work place, she has rows and rows of basically reds and pinks. Just a huge amount of different hues of reds and pinks and that's what the majority of her customers want. So boring.

I remember FIGHTING over black and dark polishes and having a hard time finding them in stores, and then keeping them in the home because she would throw them out.

Now dark polish is "in" and you can find it at any store. My mom's professional polish collection has expanded a bit too, but I just think its ridiculous that ten years ago black polish was unheard of, but now its "fashionable." Okay. My mom will still make comments about how gaudy or terrible my nails are in her opinion but I don't care and at least I don't have anything thrown out anymore.

Here is what I did today.
I always use a base coat of nail strengthener. It doesn't matter what kind to me, I try different kinds. I bought these Sally Hansen ones a couple weeks ago and have been using these. If I don't use some sort of nail strengthener my nails WILL chip and break. I'm not careful with them. I don't let them hinder my life. I don't have any techniques to keep them from breaking. I just do what I need to do, open cans, pick things, scrape or scratch... whatever. Even though I keep my nails painted, I still view them more as a tool than a canvas.

Then I used these. This is a pretty light combination for me. But I had just removed a dark purple and I wanted to do something different.

My honest opinion is that I don't love it, and probably won't do it again. But I didn't hate it enough to remove it. I think I did too many coats of the blue, and maybe less of the blue would have looked nicer on the silver.

I'm thinking next time I use this blue I'll try it on black. I always love silver, but I feel like I've been running out of ideas of what to do with it.

I don't do my nails that often, I usually wait until they're chipping and flaking.. so that takes a couple weeks.

I used to do soo many designs and unique things but the past few years I've gotten lazier (or busier) in that I don't want to take the time to do my nails for hours and hours. If you're doing designs, you have to wait for the previous coat to dry and that's why it ends up taking hours and I haven't had the patience recently, but I'm going to try to get creative again with this blog motivating me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

my dream couch

Hopefully I am moving out of my parent's home with my boyfriend within a couple of months.

I may eventually blog about finances, savings, things like that but this post is about my dream couch!

My boyfriend and I have been looking around stores like The Room Place, Value City Furniture, Ashley's, Ikea, Macy's Furniture, etc and we'd gone to soo many and NOTHING struck me. Sure there were couches that would have been acceptable. An okay design, a nice black, or other generic color. But nothing made me go "OMG THIS ONE" until we walked into Value City Furniture and right by the entrance we saw this:

I love the look of leather couches, but have had multiple people tell me they don't last well. That they wear out, stretch out, cave in, and damage can't be fixed. So I resigned myself to accepting a fabric couch, until we found this. It passes my boyfriend's comfort test and he likes the fabric cushions and I am just in love with the leather look and "nailhead trim" as they call it.

It IS a really nice completely black leather looking material, my camera phone just isn't the greatest. Here are photos from the website:

In the store, I even saw a bit of a greenish-hue (that I liked) on the cushions but that may be because of the lighting. I think they look more brown in these photos than they looked in person. It was more grayish in person. I'm not in love with the fabric, but I just love the frame so much I can accept the cushions. I even wonder if we get this couch and keep it for a very long time, if we could replace the cushions if we found something that fits or could get something made. They're not attached at all and easily are removed.

We're not in love with the pillows but we may keep them I think just depending on how we feel like they fit our living room. They come with the couch so there's no way to not purchase them. I've thought about replacing them with green or black pillows maybe.

Ideally, we want a 'sectional,' basically a big corner couch. We hope to have friends over a lot, right now my social circle has problems with hanging out because we all either live with our parents or in very tiny places not good for entertaining. I hope for a place with a living room that can fit this huge couch:

 This is actually the brown version, the leather is brown, the cushions are brown, and I think the studs were gold/brass rather than silver. The cushion you see in the lower left corner is from the black version we want. So you can see the color difference.

I'm 100% committed to buying the black/gray version- but we need to find a place first to make sure we can fit it.

I'm just glad I finally found something I LOVE and know if we buy it, I will feel really happy in my living room.... we just need our apartment first!

Monday, June 18, 2012

my dream curtains

"Fancy-ish" curtains are another thing on my list of items I really really want in my new place. I am soo sick of blinds and boring window coverings. The boyfriend and I have agreed on black curtains, and surprisingly there are PLENTY available in any store that sells curtains. I thought it would be hard to find, but many curtains have a black option and stores carry a sample so its really nice to be able to see it in person.

We found really nice subtly patterned ones at JC Penney that I think are my goal to get, I just couldn't get a good photo and they don't have the black version pictured online.

Our main problem though is we either want a 'window curtain' or 'waterfall valance' in a rich green color. However, this color seems to not exist in window treatments! So much googling and looking in stores has resulted in nothing.

Here's some TERRIBLE crude color changing photoshops I did - I know they suck, but they were done just for something to help me visually in my curtain search.

This is the green we can't find anywhere! These are curtain scarves, and this is what I prefer visually. I also want to be able to tie the curtains back like in the photo on the right.

I like the set up here too, the double scarf fold/loops and curtain to the side but I don't think you could do that with heavy curtains. We want light blocking opaque black. But the green I think would look nice in sheer like in the first photo.

Last, here is a "valance" which is what I see used in most homes. Usually people have the cut straight across country-look (IMO) valance which I'm sick of too... this is called a waterfall valance and I like it, but I prefer a window scarf because those drop down to the sides and seem more loose and airy.

I also love the texture on these curtains, I'm hoping the JC Penney ones I want end up looking similar to this.

I just can't believe no one sells any window treatment that color green. I don't think its that weird of a color. Something has to exist somewhere...

I've had friends tell me we could try to dye white curtains a deep green - but I just worry whatever material the curtains are made out of may not soak up the green enough. I've read synthetic materials are really hard to dye. I also have no sewing skills and am not sure where we could find someone to sew us a curtain scarf or valance. Here's to crossing my fingers and hoping I figure something out by the time we move.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

hair 6/16/12

Here's a bit of an update of my current hair. I've been touching up using Ion Color Brilliance purple, but the last few times I mixed their Sky Blue with purple. My purple was still fading to a reddish/pink, I think just because my hair is naturally brown and bleached it becomes reddish/pink so that's constantly under my purple. I need to neutralize the red more, and I think putting in more blue gives the purple a better hue.

I also bought the dye in bulk from Sally's supply as its cheaper to buy more at once and the purple was sold out in all 3 stores near me - So that's why I bought online.

I know it will take me a long time to go through all this dye, so if anyone reading this is interested in the purple or blue, feel free to comment or email me if you want to buy any. I can sell at $4 + shipping which ends up cheaper than buying it on their website in a quantity of less than 12.

So here it is, the purple and blue mixed.

An update about using Ion Color Defense After Color Sealer - It DOES work, I think the color is lasting longer and staying vibrant longer - HOWEVER it makes my hair oilier sooner. The very next day after showering, its oily looking and its not like that when I don't use the Sealer.

I've stopped using it during every shower, and I use DESERT ESSENCE Organics Lemon Tea Tree Shampoo & Conditioner ( ) to keep my hair from getting oily so quick. I'm hoping it doesn't fade out the color too much, but I much rather have clean looking hair than purple oily hair..

I still do use the Ion color sealer immediately after dying my hair and during a wash every once in a while, but every shower is definitely too much and your hair will get oily looking fast.

No negative comments at work still so still hoping all over color will be accepted once I get to that point.

There is my kitty Lolita. Also you can see how my roots are looking. I actually have not bleached since last time, and this color grasped onto my roots a bit without bleach.

And here's more of the tshirt I'm wearing! Its a bit tacky maybe to some people, but I think its a cute print of a corset and makes a plain comfortable t shirt look a bit nicer with this design.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

outfit 5/26/12

Sadly blurry, but the best full body shot I could get. Reason number 50 I need to move out with my boyfriend: have some one to take pics lol. The timer feature on my camera doesn't focus most of the time.
 [also my terrible bedroom I'm sick of..]

You can see what my full hair looks like currently-- Its Ion Color Brilliance and its slowly going to be in all of my hair, but right now its just the front/roots so I don't fry my hair trying to bleach black out.

I'm wearing Tripp NYC's lace shrug and I loove it so much. Its obviously very light and just a nice way to cover up in summer.

Here's a way better photo of the shrug from this blog:

Shirt is by Living Dead Souls and I love it too.

Here you can just see my current hair more. I know its weird/bad that only the top is colored, but its just a really bad idea to bleach dyed black hair. So its just going to be a long wait for my hair to grow out.

I like makeup, but I never really learned to do it well so I never do anything interesting/different. My eyes usually just have one color powder or eyeliner and that's it. I'm also really bad with lip color because I constantly chew/bite my lips soo it never stays on, and I gave up on trying!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

best air freshener

Happened to find the best air freshener! Adorable little skunk.

In my car. You can get him here and they sell replacement fragrance disks.

My friend bought this cute turtle:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Purple Hair - Ion Color Brilliance

I've been dying my hair black, and adding small bits of purple to it on and off for years now. But my dream hair has always been all-purple/violet.

I honestly just feel like its the most aesthetically pleasing hair color. I just love the way it looks. I truly wish it wasn't a 'weird' color because I seriously don't like the attention it brings (and how hard the upkeep dying is!) I just wish it was a mainstream accepted hair color so I wouldn't worry about having it at work, or having people look at me because of it, or judge me.

Here's some random images of what my dream hair would look like: (sorry I didn't save sources or credit)

Definitely click to make it larger for more detail!

Even though these images are my favorite hair, I probably won't ever have it this bright/light. So my goal isn't really those exact colors- just any kind of purple hair dye (that will not turn pink) that lasts is my personal goal right now.

Special Effects Deep Purple
The dye I've used the most is Special Effects Deep Purple. I like the color it gives, but its horrendous at staining everything. It will stain your skin, scalp, anywhere it touches and it will take days and multiple scrubbings to get it out. I resort to using not-good-for-you cleaning bleach to rub off dye that gets on my face... terrible idea, but thats just how strong the stains are. Soap and even "dye removers" will not get it out.

Its also horrible to your shower and you must clean it with bleach as soon as you get out. AND you need to be careful your wet hair doesn't drip onto clothing/bedding/carpet or it will stain.

So the color and staying power in my hair is wonderful, I'm just too tired of the staining. It will keep bleeding even weeks after dying, the water will basically never run clear. Even when its dry, and you rub your hair- your fingers will be purple.

Manic Panic, Raw, & Splat
These I'm just lumping into one category because they give me unsatisfactory results too. The biggest issue is that my natural hair color will NOT take purple dye. I must bleach it. The above brands, even their most dark purple-- ends up light & almost pink on my bleached to blonde hair. I just don't like the colors. Especially Splat. It came out a terrible pink I was not expecting. Raw & manic panic also have a hard time holding onto my hair..

Ion Color Brilliance Brights Purple
I may have found MY purple finally! I like this most of all because it does not stain anything but hair! So amazing! My scalp is free of dye, and even little bits that were on my face easily washed off. My hands are not stained after the shower the way they always are with Special Effects and the shower wasnt that stained!

AND I love the color! In my opinion, its more of a blue/silver/gray base than other purples. I'm sure I'm not explaining it right - but basically I can see that when it fades, it will probably fade into a gray-violet rather than a bright pink.

Here was my hair dye adventure this weekend.
Before image; my hair is a combination of Splat fail, and Special Effects Deep Purple and after image is boxed-drugstore-bleach. I must bleach my roots for it to hold my hair, and I decided to bleach the rest of it so new-purple would have a lighter base.
Then I used Ion Color Brilliance Brights Purple - that can be bought at Sally's Beauty Supply. You can find it on their website too.

A couple things that I did to make SURE my experience was a good one: I put a cap on and blow dried it with heat. I kept it on for a few hours and randomly would heat it every so often. To wash, I did not shampoo my hair after. Shampooing may clean your dye out too much, I only rinsed for a very long time in cool water. I HATE cold showers, but I tried my damnest to keep it as cool as I could stand.
I then used "Ion Color Defense - After Color Sealer," counted to 120 (my way of figuring two minutes).

To finish, I took a deep breath, leaned my body away from the shower as much as possible and rinsed in ice cold water. They say this "seals" in your color, and you should do this at the end of your shower.

The photos are really hard to do, the lighting is just bad in my home. But to me, in person, I am very satisfied with the color and the non-staining skin/bathroom of this dye and I plan to keep buying this and eventually doing my whole head!

So as you can see, this isn't the color of my "dream" hair, but for now I do truly like it just because the dye is easy to work with and its not too pink. I work in a corporate office environment, and I think this purple is better for me than the bright purples I put in my collage.

Can't wait till my black grows out more and I use this dye again!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day - Cemetery (for grandmother)

So, I think some of this blog will be a lot of 'awkward' personal things I would like to post about, but feel too awkward for Facebook. Facebook just feels way more public. Yes, this blog isn't private and I'm not hiding my identity but you would need to take the effort to type in the URL and read my posts. Facebook just shares everything on everyone's wall and I feel like its more "look at me!" to hundreds of people. I have things I would like to post about, and I don't care who sees them - I just don't want them shoved under everyone i know noses like facebook does.

Anyway, something that fits into this non-facebook category is visiting the cemetery.

I was really close with my grandmother, she basically raised me more than my parents, in my opinion. I just remember she was the main person around when I was a kid because my parents worked. She passed away, and of course I always feel the guilt about being a bad kid and not appreciating her but I'm sure she knew I loved her.

My mom is extreme about remembering my grandmother, I hear comments all the time about something she would like, dislike, or my mom asking me if she looks or acts like her. She visits the cemetery all the time. I go when I can, I've never refused but my mom just doesn't invite me if its an early weekend time or workday.
I miss her but the truth is I try not to think about her too much, because its too hard. I'm not sure I'll be able to be so dedicated to gravesites as they become my responsibility, but its also just because I think it's a bit pointless. If there is an afterlife, I really doubt the dead care if you bring their bodily remains flowers. And if there isn't, then you should just think of the dead, and keep them in your heart. Who do pretty gravesites benefit? Only yourself and other people visiting the cemetery.

But, I understand the need for the ritual for some people. Its 8 years later and anytime you open my mom's trunk its full of fake flowers and a jug of water for washing the grave marker with. So we visited for mother's day and here are some photos.

It is at St. Adalbert Cemetery in Niles Illinois. Its very Polish..

They are cell phone photos because I wasnt really planning on taking photos, it was a last minute thing.

This is my grandmother's.

 Here you can just see how many flowers and things there are.

Here is actually where my mom plans to move my grandma and wants us to be at. She says its because however they mow the cemetery, her flowers and things are always broken, moved, or lost. She says its happened many times and she's also frustrated that the grass near the area isn't growing well and they don't fix it or care. Soo she says shes wants our spots moved to this so she doesn't have to worry what it will look like..

Next is just some random photos of the area near us.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Car - Yaris - Tints

I love my car. When I started working full time in 2007, a car was my first big goal. I had a terrible hand me down like most people do, but I always knew I would get a new one soon. It was always important to me because its something you use and look at everyday! I wanted something NEW too. I always find I take better care of things if they are brand new, shiny, and perfect... so I just wanted a new car REALLY bad.

I've always wanted a car that was a little different, I hate sedans-- they are such a generic common shape.. The three cars I considered were a Beetle, PT Cruiser, and a Toyota Yaris hatchback.

Looks wise, I still love PT Cruisers, but I chose the Yaris because it looked different AND has great gas mileage. At the time, it was one of the best- but I honestly don't know how it compares to newer cars now since mine is from 2009.

If you want to learn more about the Yaris check out, I love this place, I slack at keeping up but when you need something, or just want to look at pictures, or learn something, this is the place to go.

So the most obvious tip to make your car more YOU is a custom license plate of course! I adore mine because its two big things - 1. fandom, I love the Joker - yes the movie is what pulled me in more, but then I bought a bunch of comics and loved them. 2. Internet! I just like that this is a goofy internet meme in batman fandom and lolcats. It suits me ;)

My third little secret is that I just feel like its a good life motto. Especially in driving. I do not understand road rage. Who cares? There's nothing you can do stuck in traffic, unless you're a dick and plan to weave, speed, or cut people off. So I'm a pretty mellow driver and just don't care. If anyone is pissed on the road, I hope they read my plate.
Here it is new and shiny!

I met a friend on and bought "eyelids" from him. Here is the before after.
See the headlights? I love how it looks!

I also met a good friend and tinter! Chris Knapczyk. (Ragehalos [at]  Ironically he has a bunch of joker tattos AND "Why So Serious" tattooed on his wrist. We had no idea about this until we met up and he noticed my plates!
He tinted my windows to whatever the legal rate is (I would love darker, but I am paranoid.. cops will pull you over if its too dark) A tip I read on yarisworld was to print out the current tint law and keep it in the car. I have this in my glove compartment.

He did an amazing job. Its been 3 years and the tint is fine. Research whoever you go to, because a sign of bad tinting is bubbles, and I've NEVER seen that on my car. He did it perfectly, and at a great price. He also tinted my tail lights with a spray - I love them and will probably eventually return to him to do them darker, because I think just over time they need a touch up.

When the light isn't on it looks pretty black, but at night the light easily shines through.
I've never had a problem with them and I've passed cops many times.. and yes, even been pulled over for speeding, and no one has ever had issues with the tails. This is commonly called smoking/smoked tails and I love it on other cars when I see it.

So, Chris did a great job and three years later, when I walk to my car I love looking at it and just have to smile at my little blackest black car. If you're in the Chicago or suburbs area and need tint done you should definitely contact him. ragehalos [at]!