Sunday, May 27, 2012

outfit 5/26/12

Sadly blurry, but the best full body shot I could get. Reason number 50 I need to move out with my boyfriend: have some one to take pics lol. The timer feature on my camera doesn't focus most of the time.
 [also my terrible bedroom I'm sick of..]

You can see what my full hair looks like currently-- Its Ion Color Brilliance and its slowly going to be in all of my hair, but right now its just the front/roots so I don't fry my hair trying to bleach black out.

I'm wearing Tripp NYC's lace shrug and I loove it so much. Its obviously very light and just a nice way to cover up in summer.

Here's a way better photo of the shrug from this blog:

Shirt is by Living Dead Souls and I love it too.

Here you can just see my current hair more. I know its weird/bad that only the top is colored, but its just a really bad idea to bleach dyed black hair. So its just going to be a long wait for my hair to grow out.

I like makeup, but I never really learned to do it well so I never do anything interesting/different. My eyes usually just have one color powder or eyeliner and that's it. I'm also really bad with lip color because I constantly chew/bite my lips soo it never stays on, and I gave up on trying!


  1. Wow,
    I really adore your Outfit,
    It looks great on you!

    I find it still cool when you only colored the top..
    I remember that I had
    purple hair too but the color didn't hold a long time ;D

    1. Thanks (= I do need to touch my hair up a lot.
